Juridische informatie - Gebruiksvoorwaarden

The www.savoye.com website (the “Site”), as well as all of the data, information and other items contained therein are the exclusive property of SAVOYE SASU with capital of 917 700 EUROS, listed on the RCS DIJON under the number 334 170 990, and whose registered office is located at 18 boulevard des Gorgets, BP 21898, 21018 DIJON CEDEX, France
Email : contact@savoye.com
Tel : +33 3 80 54 40 00
EU VAT number : FR88335242178
Webmaster : INDEXEL agence@indexel.com
Hébergeur :
OVH 2 rue kellermann
BP 80157
Tel : +33 8 92 18 63 48
Publication Director: Sheng DING, as CEO of SAVOYE.
Any use of the Site implies full and complete acceptance by the user, without exception or reservation, of all the conditions of use defined below :

Intellectual Property Rights

The Site is an intellectual work protected by intellectual property rights. The Site and each of its constituent elements (such as in particular trademarks, logos, photographs, images, illustrations, texts, videos, etc.) are the exclusive property of SAVOYE. All rights which have not been expressly granted, as exhaustively defined below, are reserved by SAVOYE.
SAVOYE grants the user a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the Site, limited to access to and consultation thereof, and solely for the internal information purposes of the user. Without limiting the foregoing, the user may not modify, transfer, sell, reproduce, distribute, sub-licence or publish all or part of the elements of the Site.
The use of any documents published on the Site, including total or partial reproduction or representation, on any medium whatsoever, is expressly prohibited. The only reproduction authorised is the single copy intended for strictly personal and private use.
With the exception of the circumstances referred to above, any other reproduction and/or representation of the Site shall require the prior express authorisation of SAVOYE. If you wish to use any content from the Site (text, images, etc.), you must obtain the prior, express written permission of SAVOYE, by writing to the address indicated in the preceding section or by sending an email to the webmaster.
Any unauthorised use constitutes infringement and is punishable by law. SAVOYE reserves the right to pursue any act of infringement of its intellectual property rights.

Warranty – Liability

The information and data available on the Site are provided “as is”, and access to and use of the Site by the user is at the user’s own risk.
SAVOYE gives no warranty, express or implied, regarding this information, particularly with regard to the comprehensive nature and accuracy of such information, its commercial value, the absence of infringement and/or its suitability for a particular purpose.
SAVOYE reserves the right, at any time, to correct any errors or omissions in all or part of the Site and/or to modify the Site or certain of its elements at any time and without notice. Finally, SAVOYE reserves the possibility, at any time, to restrict access to all or part of the Site.


The user assumes the entire risk related to the use of the Site and the information contained therein and waives the right to any claims against SAVOYE in this respect. Under no circumstances shall SAVOYE be held liable for damage that may result from the credence given to this information, its use, the use of a product to which it refers or any technical problems encountered on the Site.
The user acknowledges that SAVOYE, like its suppliers of information and services (and in particular its hosting providers), may under no circumstances be held liable for any damage incurred by the user that may arise directly or indirectly (i) from the dissemination of incorrect information, or (ii) from any delay in the service provided and/or dissemination of information, particularly due to interruptions of the Site’s service related to technical faults, connection interruptions or fraudulent actions by third parties.

Hypertext Links

SAVOYE formally disclaims any liability for the content of sites to which it provides links. These links are offered to users of the SAVOYE website as a service. The decision to activate the links belongs solely to the user, who bears full liability for the risks associated with their use.
SAVOYE prohibits the establishment of any hyperlinks leading to this Site, without its prior written agreement.
Personal Data
The terms and conditions applying to the processing of personal data defined below apply to all Users of the Site. They describe the processing of personal data that may have been collected by SAVOYE when the User accesses the Site and while using the same.


The personal data provided by Users to savoye.com are processed under the authority of SAVOYE SA, 18 boulevard des Gorgets, 21018 Dijon Cedex, which company is the sole data controller.


By using the Site and by providing personal information, the User consents to the collection, processing and use of data in accordance with these terms and conditions.


The personal data supplied by the User may be retained by SAVOYE in order to track the User’s access to the Site, to enable it to create a User profile and/or to contact the User by email or any other means. SAVOYE undertakes to retain the information collected for the period necessary for the purpose for which it was collected only.
SAVOYE reserves the right to undertake surveys and statistical analyses based on the information and data supplied by the User, as well as to use the same for publishing purposes in order to improve the quality of the services available on the Site.


When you visit the savoye.com website, we collect the information you give us, such as your last name, first name, corporate name, phone number, address, email address, etc. We also automatically collect other information such as the geolocation of the device you are using to connect to the site (if this is a mobile device). It is possible that we also receive data pertaining to you from third parties, in this case you can access these data at any time in order to read or correct them, or object to their being processed. In all cases, the User enjoys all rights over his personal data, regardless of where they were collected.


In the context of its activity, SAVOYE sometimes transfers information on Users of the savoye.com website to third parties located within but also outside the European Union (these may be international organisations). Insofar as concerns the latter, if the User wishes to be informed of whether or not there are adequate personal data protection measures in these countries, he may refer to the list drawn up by the European Commission and published on its Website (this list may vary over time thus Users should refer to it regularly).
SAVOYE may also transfer the User’s personal data to third countries or international organisations which present appropriate safeguards and in which rights and effective legal remedies are available to the User.
Subcontractors: Insofar as concerns subcontractors with whom SAVOYE does or may do business in the context of its activity, and which are or may be called on to process Site Users’ personal data, they are bound to offer their Users the same technical and organisational protections and safeguards as those offered by SAVOYE. Moreover, they cannot process Users’ personal data except on the instructions of SAVOYE which, as data controller, remains liable for any data processing carried out by its subcontractors. These subcontractors are not able to outsource this work to a subprocessor without SAVOYE’s prior written agreement.


The Site contains links to other websites belonging to third parties over which SAVOYE has no control. Accordingly, SAVOYE invites Users to familiarise themselves with the terms and conditions applying to personal data processing procedures applied by such sites. At all events, SAVOYE cannot be held liable for the processing of personal data, for the practices and content of third-party sites; Users access and browse such sites entirely at their own risk and liability. SAVOYE reserves the right at any time to disclose any information arising from the Site pertaining to Users in order to comply with legal requirements. Similarly, SAVOYE reserves the right to disclose and report to the competent authorities, any User activity liable to amount to a breach of any legislative or regulatory provision.


SAVOYE reserves the right to update and amend these data-processing terms and conditions at any time without notice. The User will be informed of the changes that will have been made. If he no longer agrees to his data being processed following these changes, he may exercise his rights (in particular his right to object to processing or his right to erasure) by sending a request to this effect to the contact named in the paragraph “User’s rights”.


In the event of any breach of his rights, the User is entitled, at any time, to bring a complaint before the relevant national enforcement authority, in the country in which the User is resident. In France, this is the CNIL.


In accordance with provisions of French Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended in 2004, on information technology, datafiles and civil liberties, and with EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016, Users are able to control their personal data. In this respect, Users have a right of access, correction, erasure, portability, limitation of processing and objection to processing of their personal data which they may implement at any time. In no case can the exercise of his rights by the User impair the legality of any processing of his personal data which may have taken place previously.

  • Right of access – The User may at any time access personal data of his that have been collected and all the following information: the purpose for which his personal data are processed, the intended recipients of the data collected by SAVOYE, the existence of his other rights (listed above), including the right to bring a complaint to the enforcement authorities, and the fact that his personal data are the subject of an automated decision.
  • Right of correction – At the User’s request, SAVOYE must rectify any personal data which are incorrect or incomplete, with the particulars sent by the User.
  • Right of erasure – The User may at any time ask SAVOYE to erase all or part of The personal data relating to him and which SAVOYE may have collected with his consent.
  • Right of portability – The User is entitled to receive from SAVOYE a summary of his personal data in a structured readable format, in order in particular to transfer them to another data controller.He also has the right to ask SAVOYE to transfer them directly to another data controller.
  • Right of limitation of processing – The User is entitled to limit the processing of his personal data where he has disputed the accuracy of his personal data, within a period that allows SAVOYE to check the accuracy of these data; or where the processing is unlawful but the User does not want his data erased; or where SAVOYE no longer needs his personal data but the latter are still required by a User wishing to assert or rely on his rights in the courts.
  • Right to object to processing – The User may at any time object to his personal being processed, in particular where this processing is done by automated process.He may also object to his personal data being used for profiling purposes.
  • Right to be informed in case of a personal data breach – Where a breach of the User’s personal data is likely to create a high risk for the User’s rights and freedoms, SAVOYE will inform him thereof at the earliest opportunity.

Users may exercise these rights by applying to:
Direction Juridique
18 boulevard des Gorgets
21000 Dijon
Email: contact@savoye.com
The user may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning him/her.
This website has been declared to the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL – www.cnil.fr) under the number 1160874.


Miscellaneous Provisions

The Site is governed by French law. These Terms will be governed by, and interpreted in accordance with, French law. Any dispute arising from or relating directly or indirectly to these provisions will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Dijon Commercial Court, France.