Advanced SoftwareWAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (WMS)Control your flows, manage your stock and optimize your productivityTRANSPORT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (TMS)Complete management of the transport activity of loadersORDER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (OMS)Omnichannel and multi-point stock controlWAREHOUSE EXECUTION SYSTEM (WES)Synchronization and control of automated and robotic equipmentWAREHOUSE CONTROL SYSTEM (WCS)Real-time control and supervision of automated systemsAdvanced TechnologiesAUTOMATED PICKINGEfficiency and ergonomics to satisfy performance requirementsAUTOMATED STORAGERethink your stock in a different wayAUTOMATED PACKAGINGPackages that meet your customers’ requirementsMICRO-FULFILLMENT CENTERSOptimum service in a compact space
AGRI-FOODQuality and traceability requirementsCOSMETICS AND PERFUMESSeasonality and fragilityE-COMMERCESatisfy agility requirementsFASHIONCustomization and return managementINDUSTRIAL SUPPLIESLogistical flexibility and responsivenessLOGISTICS SERVICE PROVIDERSUnrivaled quality of serviceOFFICE SUPPLIESAccurate preparation and wide variety of productsSPARE PARTSSpeed of execution and quality of preparationsHEALTH CARESatisfy traceability requirements
Customer services
AUDIT AND EXPERTISEOptimized logisticsDESIGNING SOLUTIONSFor complete control of your systemsOUR SERVICESA relationship built over the long termTRAININGFor complete control of your systems
ABOUT USInternational Supply Chain specialistOUR CULTUREReach what mattersHUMAN RESOURCESBe a part of the supply chain of tomorrow ...OUR CSR VISIONFor a more responsible worldOUR LOCATIONSOur local branches all over the worldOUR PARTNERSA win-win partnership beneficial to everyone