Active Ants : more sustainable logistics
Specializing in e-commerce logistics, Active Ants is a company founded in the Netherlands in 2010. It stands out for its use of cutting-edge technologies to automate logistical processes, including packaging, inventory management, and shipping. Active Ants integrates robots and artificial intelligence systems to optimize the efficiency and accuracy of its operations. The company also places a strong emphasis on sustainability, seeking to minimize its ecological footprint through eco-friendly packaging solutions and environmentally friendly logistical practices. Through partnerships with innovative companies like SAVOYE, Active Ants is capable of offering personalized and differentiated services to its clients. Its ambition is to become a leading eco-responsible player in the European e-commerce logistics sector.
Enhancing customer satisfaction
By focusing on reliability and innovation, the company aims to exceed customer expectations and differentiate itself from competitors.
More eco-responsible logistics
Numerous parcels are sent out from Active Ants platforms every day. It is crucial to contribute to designing them in a more ecological and responsible manner.
Reducing parcel costs
Packaging materials and void transport are areas where significant savings can be achieved through the implementation of suitable solutions.
Eco-friendly processes
By minimizing the size of the boxes to the bare minimum, Active Ants designs packages that no longer require additional void fill materials.
Printing covers in the colors of its clients enables Active Ants to offer a personalized service with high added value
Reduced shipping volume
Shrinking the volume of parcels allows for better truck loading, thus reducing transportation costs and associated carbon footprint.
Active Ants wants to be one of the most sustainable e-commerce logistics company in Europe. We think that SAVOYE and the Jivaro print machine can hep us with that.