Forezia Snacking, a family-run food distributor and snacking market expert, has been in business since 1927. Based in Chasse-sur-Rhône, south of Lyon in France, it reached sales of €60 million in 2024 and employs around one hundred people.
Among its clients, 55% are major accounts (fast-service restaurant companies and corporate restaurants), 30% are independent clients, and 15% come from large-scale retail. To supply them daily in France, Belgium, and Luxembourg, Forezia Snacking relies on two warehouses: one dedicated to dry and fresh products, and the second, opened in July 2024, for frozen products. Everything is centralized near its headquarters. On-site, Forezia Snacking prepares around 7,000 fresh/dry parcels and over 3,000 frozen parcels daily, supported by a team of about 50 people.