Jivaro Savoye

Enhance your brand image with high quality packaging

Customized parcels tailored to the products shipped

We have all had the experience of receiving parcels that are far too large for the product ordered. Disappointing isn’t it? Our range of Jivaro machines provide a concrete and effective response to this issue. Adapting the height of parcels to the products they contain allows the smallest possible volume to be shipped to the customer. With Jivaro, you benefit from the best possible cost/volume shipped ratio and an improved response to the challenge of reducing CO2 emissions, a criterion of which your customers are certainly acutely aware.


A suitable format for letter boxes

Designed entirely for e-commerce packaging, the E-Jivaro machine can reduce the height by up to 25mm, for parcels that are similar to an A5 format


Integrated printing offering endless possibilities

Particularly well-suited to multi-brand logistics operations and all companies seeking to customize parcels for each customer, the Jivaro Print module enables customized lids to be printed for each brand or customer. When customized like this, these parcels actively improve the quality of the customer experience and your brand image.


Customization of your parcels: up to 4 different lids

The multi-store module allows between 2 and 4 different pre-printed lids to be added, thereby fulfilling the multi-brand requirements of your logistics platform

automated packing machine

The benefits of Jivaro machines


Enhancing your company's eco-friendly image for the end customer

Control of transport costs

A saving of up to 50 % on the volumes shipped

An all-in-one solution

A compact solution with integrated lidding


Using pre-printed lids or instant printing on the parcel


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Packing machine Jivaro Savoye